“Orientalism” with Reference to Edward
Said’s book
Name: Riddhi Jani
Roll no: 23
Semester: 3rd
Paper: 11, The Post-colonial Literature
Submitted to: Smt. S. B. Gardy Department of English
Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University
Name: Riddhi Jani
Roll no: 23
Semester: 3rd
Paper: 11, The Post-colonial Literature
Submitted to: Smt. S. B. Gardy Department of English
Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University
wadie Said was born on 1st November, 1935 and died on 5th
September, 2003. He was Palestinian American literary theorist. He contributed
in the field of literary theory named Post colonialism. He is famous for his
work named “Orientalism”. As a cultural critic, he sees the cultural
representation in the things. He sees West’s condescending perception in their
depiction of Middle East, Asian and North African people, their society and
their culture. As a public intellectual, Said discussed culture, literature,
music and contemporary politics.
· Orientalism:
“Orientalism” is a foundational text for the academic field of Post colonial studies. The West sees the Middle Eastern, Asian, and North African society by the only word “the East”. In simple words ‘orientalism’ is the term used to show Western approach and attitude towards Middle , North African and Asian people, society and culture. Western people see them as unintelligent, undeveloped, uncivilized and lower than themselves. So, in this way they think themselves superior than the Eastern people. This is the simple meaning of the term ‘orientalism’.
this term suggests, ‘orient’ that is east and on the contrary there is
‘occident’ means west. After the coming of the book “Orientalism” by Said, in
1978, this term started getting place in the field of research and education.
Said argues against western’s prejudiced views towards east in this book.
· “Orientalism”- a work by Said:
very first line of this quote (from the introduction part of the book) is very
much suggestive. Said is concerned with it that ‘the orient- the particular
orient with some particular characteristics- is a European invention’. And this
European eye sight to see the orient with particular image is never changed. In
Western minds the picture of orient is stagnant from many years, that is the
picture as ‘exotic East”. Here the word ‘exotic is not taken in its simple way.
Here ‘exotic’ means something ‘unusual’ or ‘strikingly different’. So, the west
sees east in this way.
images they have got from the European visitors of Eastern places. But it is
clear that it is European representation of the Orient, which is perhaps not
quite true or it is incomplete. And by these images the occident people see
themselves higher than the orient people. They, in this way, privilege
themselves over the oriental people. Said says that orient is not different or
lower than the occident, rather the orient is an integral part of Europe and
its culture and civilization. I quote Said:
“The orient is not only adjacent to
Europe; it is also the place of Europe’s greatest and richest and oldest
colonies, the source of its civilizations and languages, its cultural
contestant, and one of its deepest and most recurring images of the Other.”
the part, which they called ‘orient’ is of themselves. On the contrary America
has different views about the orient. American views see orient as more sober,
aware and ‘less dense’. So, the criticism goes to only British and French
understanding of the orient.
here gives other meaning of Orientalism, i.e. “Orientalism can be discussed and
analyzed as the corporate institution for dealing with the orient”. Means
Western society ruled over orient, now they view the Orient by narrow sight,
they make statement about it. And in this way Orientalism is “a Western style
for dominating, restructuring, and having authority over the orient”. Here
comes Michel Foucault’s notion of ‘knowledge and power’ and ‘discourse’.
Orientalism is more than a discourse. And Western spread their knowledge about
orient, as they were and are in power.
the whole identity of ‘the orient’ is facing questions and problems (of getting
wrong description) ‘Orientalism’ should carry many more things except the
definition as discourse.
geographical distinction between ‘orient’ and ‘occident’ is man maid, not
natural. So, as West, orient also has its own reality and physical (i.e.
geographical) presence. It has, as West, its own tradition of thought, imagery
and vocabulary. In this way they both (west and east) support and reflect each
other. Said gives the example that how East is misinterpreted by the West.
the relationship between orient and occident is the relationship of power and
hegemony. Said says about three aspects of his contemporary reality:
The distinction between pure and political
The methodological question
3. The
personal dimension
Mainly this
Orientalism came when European power met with the lesser developed people of
the East.
· Examples of Orientalism from the
Western pop-culture:
is the example of how the west depicts east in their literatures and the other
is the example of Alladdin- a character of “Disney Land”. Alladdin is an Arab
character from a cartoon series named “Arabian Nights”. It was the show for
children. So, before putting the example I want to quote some lines:
“Movies that children watch for
enjoyment and pleasure rather than instruction, unfortunately leave a deeper
imprint on a fresh, impressionable mind than does an unexciting textbook.”
(Kincheloe, 159)
that cartoon series, by Walt Disney Pictures, Alladdin was the most celebrated
character. But that series had faced criticism for wrong and unjust portrayal
of the Arab people and world. In that series Alladdin was ridiculed and mocked
a lot. This becomes problematic because he was shown as the representative of
Arab society and people. And the theme song of that cartoon series was also
very much criticized for its words, that show Arab as uncivilized world. The
lyrics of that theme song are:
“Oh, I came from a land
From a faraway place,
Where the caravan camels
Where they cut your years
if you
Don’t like your face,
It’s barbaric, but hey,
it’s home.”
can see in this song lyrics that how the Western world does mis-portrayal of
Arabic world. And in this way they prove themselves more civilized that the
Arabic world. And such films or series are consumed a lot, and became popular
also. After facing enormous criticism about such lyrics, Disney Pictures had
changed them. So, instead of the line “…where they cut off your…”, This lines
was put:
“Where it’s flat and
And the heat is intense.”
This is the link of a small video of that song with lyrics:
This is the link of a small video of that song with lyrics:
these new lyrics are also problematic. And we can see in the video that how the whole identity of Arabs is mocked and misinterpreted. It also show that “exoticness”, which
the Western used to see in the East.
example is of a comedy produced by Paramount Pictures, named “The Director”. It
was released in 2012. The main character is Admiral General Haffaz Aladeen
here; a director from that Northern African Republic of Wadiya. In this movie
Aladeen has travelled to New York City to tell the secrets of his country’s
nuclear program to United Nations Council. And this character was mocked a lot.
This all are also criticized from the orientalist point of view.
this way, we can see that how they misunderstand the orient and exaggerate it
also in their descriptions. It is clear that the Western ideas about orient are
not based on facts or reality, but rather they based on imagination and on the
old archetypes about Eastern people. As ‘orient’ and ‘occident’ are opposite to
each other, and when we see Foucault’s notion of power and knowledge, we come
to know that orient is seen as negative or contrastive to occident. Apart from
Foucault Said puts here Antonio Gramsci. Said’s views are based on and
connected with his views. Gramsci gave the idea of ‘hegemony’. I quote Said:
“…my whole point is to say that we
can better understand the persistence and the durability of saturating
hegemonic systems like culture, when we realize that their internal constraints
upon writers and thinkers were productive, not unitate really inhibiting.”
sees Orientalism as ‘dynamic exchange’, between solo, individual writers and
the large political concerns. And those political relations were shaped by
three great established empires- British, French and American. Said says that
under the intellectual and imaginative territory of these three empires the
writing was brought out. And yet Said narrows down his views to only academic
study of Middle Eastern, African and Asian history and culture.
connects here the idea of Europe called by Denys Hay that the Europeans have
strong idea of identifying “us”- Europeans against all “those” non-Europeans.
It is their attempt to built hegemony over East and attempt to feel superior.
· Critical examination of Orientalism:
are some counter arguments also against Said.
is about Said’s limit that he limits this study for only academic area. The
discussion of orientalism in academic field is limited to late 19th
and early 20th century scholarship. So, the point is in that time
most of the study departments had already left this area of study. I quote the
“Said’s discussion of academic
orientalism is almost entirely limited to late 19th and early 20th
century scholarship. Most academic area studies department had already abandoned
an imperialist or colonialist paradigm of scholarship.”
this argument goes further that Said connects the works of Barnard Lewis as an
example of the continued existence of this paradigm, but Said admits that it
was only an exception by the time of his writing that is 1977.
Said gave comparison between the wars of Greco-Persian and the controversy
between East and West. Greeks had democratic tradition while Persian had
monarchical. But Said makes no mention of the other Greek city states, most of
which were not ruled democratically.
arguments seem hazy in many ways. But Said’s views about it are clearer. So,
this is Said’s orientalism. I found some characteristics of orientalism. I put
them in brief.
Ø Western intellectual domination:
idea; of people and society of Middle East, Asia and Northern Africa; is that
they have not culture, they have ancient and less civilized living style and
they are physically inferior than them. And European struggled a lot to
dominate Eastern people and first by arresting them intellectually.
Ø Latent Orientalism:
According to
Said, it is a kind of Orientalism that can’t be easily caught. It shows Western
attitudes. It refers to cultural differences. Said says that the West continued
to show the East as “separate, eccentric,
backward, silently different, sensual and passive”. And
most of these adjectives came from technological progress’ comparison between
East and West.
Ø Manifest Orientalism:
In latent
Orientalism, they see the speaking style and ascents of eastern people. While
in manifest Orientalism, there is the dealing of visible features of Eastern
cultures e.g. clothing, architecture and art.
Ø Contemporary Orientalism:
In this type
of Orientalism Said describes the Western typical attitude to see the Eastern
people esp. Arabs as “irrational, menacing,
un-trustworthy, anti-western…and prototypical”. These mental states are the result of pre 19th
century Orientalism. And Said writes:
“This is the culmination of Orientalism
as a dogma that not only degrades its subject matter but also blinds its practitioners.”
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